There is one thing in life that got me interested in going to head to chile I was less interested in seeing the famous easter island moa statues .It was the odd current state of its railways that got into my instagram feed ; specifically its self propelled railcars called Electric multiple units.They come in various shapes,sizes and different manufactures primary a mix of French and Chinese multiple units and some ancient italian built in the late 50s early 60s. Here are a few examples of what I am looking for too hopefully seeing .

Chile: EFE invests to triple ridership by 2030 | In depth | Railway Gazette  International
Inbound First Generation Alstom Metropolis MU’s approaching Valparaisos Main Station(Source Railway Gazette)
Breda built 3200 class Electric locomotive (Source Reddit)

Chile is an interesting place with interesting Lokomotives and full of interesting history. Being In my option the best railway network in latin america.It has a long history full of the highest highs and the deepest lows. There is also other famous things to describe full of quirky characters from the good to the bad and the ugly. My goal for this class is simple to tell the tale of the history of Chile itself, its railways,and journey to get to that place, complete with struggles from dealing with a injury knee to the balance between timeless creativity and getting a decent grade. But that’s for the eydes for life to decide so on with the show

Source Frank Zappa

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